2024-09-17 , Tuesday
२०८१ आश्विन १ गते मंगलबार

Firdo Nepal

Firdo Nepal

Wed 05, 2024

The diverse culture of Nepal is home to many ethnic groups with over 100 various languages. In Nepal Mandal (the current Kathmandu Valley) from the 14th to 18th century, Nepal Bhasa was the official language but was replaced by Nepali after the Gorkha Kingdom was established. This Sino-Tibetan language is spoken by Newars, indigenous inhabitants of Kathmandu Valley, and has remained alongside Nepali as another prominent language of Nepal. Nepal Bhasa is written in Nepal Lipi, which has nine different variations. An artistic and distinctive script, Ranjana Lipi is one of those widely visible scripts among all the Nepal Lipi. It is commonly used to write the Buddhist Mantra “Om mane padme hum” in Buddhist Prayer Wheel.

Besides, it has been used on stone and copper plate inscriptions, coins, palm-leaf documents, and Hindu and Buddhist manuscripts. Ranjana script has not only been used in the Nepal but also in Tibet, where it is known as Lanydza. Tibetans typically decorate temple walls, prayer wheels, and Mandalas with this script and use it on the title pages of Tibetan texts.